Let’s get down to business…or pleasure!

You’ve heard it all, from society, from your friends and family, and from your own mind. You second guess, procrastinate, and hold back on going for your big, world-changing, amazing dreams because you’re afraid of failure, vulnerability, criticism, and everything else. I’ve been there. Days before a trip to a conference where I launched a workshop, I had a panic attack and almost canceled. I was terrified to be seen. To look foolish. To not be the expert. I went anyway. I did it. I turned the workshop into a course and its own brand. I had to stay afraid and do it anyway, as our dear space mom Carrie Fisher said. I coach clients who are launching businesses, writing books, working through old relationship habits to bring healthier love into their lives, and anybody who is ready to stop being scared of the big “What if?” What if you go for it and you fail?

Counter argument: What if you go for it and it’s AWESOME?